Research is clear that approximately 70% of youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will struggle with anxiety and/or depression. Ontario’s child and youth service system is not well equipped to effectively meet the needs of this group. This Think Tank will bring together researchers, clinical and program experts, parents/caregivers, and others from across sectors to seize on the opportunity we have at this time when both autism services and child and youth mental health services are transforming in Ontario.
In 2018/19 more than seventeen organizations, three associations and many Ontario families came together to contribute to a foundational policy paper on this issue developed by Kinark Child and Family Services. The paper makes a number of recommendations to providers and government. This day will support further learning in this area and engage mental health and autism providers in integrated action planning for better outcomes for this cohort of children and youth.
Who Should Attend:
Speakers: coming soon