Best Practice Development in Intensive Treatment
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Think Tank Overview:
Across the province, there is a lack of standardization in the delivery of intensive treatment, often the result of capacity, funding and resource constraints. However, there is a shared commitment to improve service quality and the service system for children and youth. As the CYMH file moves to the Ministry of Health, there is an opportunity to benefit from the ministry’s focus on service quality and evidence-based standards. Harnessing the work happening across the province in quality improvement including the Lead Agency Provincial Priorities Report, Live-In Treatment; Treating Them Right, work led by York Hills Centre for Children, Youth and Families regarding best practices in Day Treatment, and several groups working to improve Day Treatment services in their communities, the group will discuss how we collectively continue to improve services and a service system for children and youth.
Think Tank Objectives:
Bring together groups working on quality improvement in intensive treatment to build a collective roadmap to support best practice development across the province.
Who Should Attend: Mental health professionals, executive directors, policymakers, youth addiction professionals.
Speakers: coming soon